Before- & After School Program
Morning drop-off starting at 7 a.m.
Afternoon pick-up hours until 5:30 p.m.
Bloom Community School's Before- and After-School program for families of students enrolled in our academic program is to provide innovative child-centered learning and engagement opportunities, offering engaging activities and projects that build on a child's needs and interests in a safe and nurturing environment.
Our Before- and After-School Program provides flexible options for families. Bloom offers supervision and leadership of guided activities, indoor cooperative and individual play, individuated attention and (if applicable) homework help, free play, occasional field trips, outdoor playground time, quiet reading, games, and more.
PROGRAM COST for 2020-2021: (All costs listed constitute a flat rate, regardless of hours spent at Bloom)
Before-School Care only:
Weekly: $55 per week / 10% discount if enrolled at Bloom Community School
Daily: $16 a day / 10% discount if enrolled at Bloom Community School
After-School Care only:
Weekly: $70 per week / 10% discount if enrolled at Bloom Community School
Daily: $19 per day / 10% discount if enrolled at Bloom Community School
Before- and After School Care Combined:
Weekly: $90 per week / 10% discount if enrolled at Bloom Community School
Daily: $23 per day / $20 per day if enrolled at Bloom Community School
Do you have questions about Before and After Care or would you like to enroll your child? Please send an email with your questions to: info@bloomcommunityschool.org
TO ENROLL your child or children in Before and After Care, please fill out the form below or contact us at info@bloomcommunityschool.org.